Jon Schull, the founder of e-NABLE, has joined forces with Pratt DAHRC for an initiative.

Jon Schull visits Pratt DAHRC 2015
From Left to Right: Pachara Kangchirdsri, Keith Kirkland, Jon Schull, Jennifer Tate, HyukJae Henry Yoo, Elaine Khuu, Jesse Loosbrock, Virginia Camillo, Kevin Hoil Yoo, John Houston, and Juhi Solanki
e-NABLE is a global network of volunteers using 3D printing technology to provide mechanically articulating 3-D printed prosthetic hands to those who need but cannot afford them, mostly children. The hands are provided free of charge.
e-NABLE founder Jon Schull has holistically integrated 3-D Printing, social media, crowdsourcing, and philanthropy into a global community of 8,000 members to change lives of children and families.
The e-NABLE community has provided over 1,800 3-D printed prosthetic hands to date, to the people around the world.
Receiving the hand for the first time is a life-changing experience for the children:
Prosthetic hands usually cost thousands of dollars, and kids outgrow the hands fast. This renders most of the families to be out of reach of being able to afford the prosthetics. To make matters worse, many of the models are too complex or cumbersome to use.
By receiving the articulated 3D printed prosthetic hand, the children’s lives are transformed overnight from that of freaks to lives of superheroes, almost in the literal sense.
Image Source: Creators Project, Courtesy of Artists
Kieran’s Hand Full article is available on Creators Project.
The initial origin of the articulating 3-D printed prosthetic hand is credited to an artist Ivan Owen, who has expertise in mechanical special effects and puppetry:
AR (Augmented Reality) technology is one of the possibilities which can be used to enhance the efforts and experiences of designing, providing, and using the prosthetic hands:
The e-NABLE + Pratt DAHRC initiative will entail a number of projects. Please inquire within to participate with any level of specialty, interest, expertise, and need.

From left to right: HyukJae Henry Yoo, Juhi Solanki, Jennifer Tate, Virginia Camillo, Keith Kirkland, Elaine Khuu, Jesse Loosbrock, Jon Schull, and Eleanor Schull